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Iconic feminist protests

Posted on February 26th, 2025

Reading time: 3 minutes

On the 8th of March, it will be International Women’s Day. In this post, we will look at some of the most iconic feminist protests – not the biggest ones, but those that painted an unforgettable picture. Additionally, will share some upcoming feminist events in which you can participate!

Dolle Mina: Baas in eigen buik – Netherlands, 1970

Photograph by Jaap Herschel, 1970, © Spaarnestad

In 1970, the Dutch feminist group Dolle Mina organized a small protest in which women wrote ‘baas in eigen buik’ (boss in own belly) on their bellies, demanding legal abortions.

Writing something like this on their bodies as a protest was never seen before and evoked a lot of commotion. While Dolle Mina organized many different actions, this image became their trademark and they used the media very effectively to spread their message. Dolle Mina was active a few decades ago, but this year they have come back! You can find out more on their website.

Today, although abortion is practically legal in the Netherlands, it still falls under criminal law, since it is included in the Dutch Penal Code. Officially, you can get a prison sentence of 4 to 6 months if you help someone get an abortion. Abortion is now only possible because of an exception: it is allowed in the case of an emergency. Amnesty pleads for the decriminalization of abortion entirely.

Guerilla Girls: Do women have to be naked to get into the Met. Museum? – USA, 198

© Guerilla Girls

The Guerilla Girls are an intersectional feminist group of anonymous artist activists who wear gorilla masks in their actions. In 1989, they published these posters in New York City busses that criticized the lack of women artists in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, compared to the over-representation of naked female bodies in the artworks. The recount in 2012 featured less female nudes (76%), but even less women artists (4%), revealing that gender bias and discrimination is unfortunayely still very common in the art world.

Last Torch – Afghanistan, 2024

© Last Torch

In August 2021, the Taliban returned to power in Afghanistan and they have implemented many laws restricting women: banning their education and employment, forbid them from showing their face in public, and restricting their access to certain places such as public parks, to name a few. When in 2024 the Taliban forbid women’s voices in public, these two sisters risked their lives by recording videos of them singing, as an act of defiance. They sparked an online movement called Last Torch where Afghan women sing anonymously, dressed in burkas.

Upcoming feminist events

All of these remarkable women strive for a word of gender equality. Amesty International fights with them against discrimination and gender-based violence, including LGBTQI+ women. What can you do to support this cause?

On the 8th of March, a feminist march will be organized in Amsterdam! Amnesty organizes a sign-painting workshop with a feminist speaker before the march starts, for which you can sign up here.

In Wageningen, many events will be organized in the days around International Women’s Day as well, in the form of a feminis festival with activities that range from book readings to quilt making, and from a local feminist march to an artistic protest – you can find the full programme here!

Part of this programme is the movie screening of ‘Daisies’ on March 7th, which is organized in collaboration with Amnesty International. Before the screening the International Women’s Choir will sing, and afterwards there will be a discussion about the movie.

We would love to see you there!